Thursday, December 18, 2008

Marathon & Freebies

Well, Ted ran his first marathon on Sunday! It was incredible to see so many people out there supporting the runners. And we keep getting more donations coming in from the run, which will help fund our band's cd, along with 5% going to Life Communities, and 5% going to Free the Slaves. So all in all, it has been a great experience.

When I checked one of my favorite blog sites the other day, Healing Expressions, I discovered I had won a giveaway! I've never won anything before, so I can't wait for my package to arrive. I've been really surprised at how many art blogs have giveaways. It's such a wonderful idea, and really encourages people to share ideas and to keep coming back for more.
I've also discovered a few blogs that are dedicated to giving away free images. They're great to play with in art projects. Here are some I've found, and let me know if you know of more out there I can add to the list! The Graphics Fairy, The Vintage Moth, and Old Photo Album. You can also sign up for free images weekly at Dover Publications and they'll email you every Wednesday with more.

Have a great week!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Crazy December & New Etsy Finds

Well, this past week has been one of total emotional chaos. We've had lots of long conversations with many different people about various crises that have come up recently. I'm grateful for God's grace in this time. In spite of it all, Ted & I have been especially united in prayer for the people involved. And I feel hopeful that things will improve, even though it looks overwhelming right now.

Every year, it seems like so many major things happen in December. I guess I'm always reflective towards the end of the year, too. I look back and wonder what was accomplished this year, what I need to reevaluate and pursue again, what needs to be finished and put away. I suppose that's helpful, like our yearly garage sales. It's great to get rid of stuff, but it's always such a mess and so frustrating. It's really hard to analyze everything that's happened in the year, but it's also necessary in order to plan for future goals.

On a different note, I thought I'd post some more great finds on Etsy for those of you who love unique handmade gifts. Have fun browsing!

Here's one from my shop, Mixed Emotions:

This one's from tiedupmemories:

Here's one from Needlings:

And a beautiful angel from rochelle31:

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sneak Preview

I've been working on some art pendants for a while now. I used the plastic pieces from old spice jars as a base, then covered with papers, paints, and extra things I found around the house. I have 15 altogether, but I'll be posting 3 this weekend. Here's a peek at one of my favorites so far...

I've been having so much fun working on these, and it makes me happy to know that I used stuff from around my house. It just goes to show you that you don't have to spend a lot of money to make something unique- you just need a little bit of creativity!
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